Greater Faith Tabernacle Ministries


The 1st Miracle of 09

God's Miracle "Mi-Asia" Anderson

On Wednesday December 31, 2008 was another day the GFT Church Family celebrated the end of the year with there annual New Year's Eve Service which began at 10:00p.m. at 905 E. Shelby Drive, where the New GFT Mass Choir and Praise Team sung melodious tunes until a few minutes before entering the new year.

At about 11:55p.m. Pastor Orlester Johnson, Founder/Senior Pastor took the pulpit to begin sharing from the Word of God, by encouraging the Body of Christ and his members that, No matter what we are going through, and no matter how it looks know that "It Still Works."

After giving his theme of his message and the congregation encouraging one another, at about 12:00 midnight New Year's Day, while in the middle of the message and loud sound entered the building of the sanctuary not knowing and realizing that God's hand was about to show up to not only our Pastor but the entire church that "It Still Works."

After hearing the big pop, we later heard one of the babies in the church began to scream from the top of there lungs. Her mother than got up to take the baby to the restroom to see what was wrong with the baby. About ten to fifteen minutes later out runs Jewel the mother of the child from the bathroom shouting, Oh my God, Oh my God there was a bullet in my baby's diaper."

Immediately other members took off rushing to the restroom to assist the mother trying to calm her down. That's when Pastor Johnson in the middle of the his message said, "Can you all see what the devil is doing back there disrupting the service."

After making that statement, down the isles comes Sis. Jewel saying, Pastor this is not the devil, this is a miracle. I took my baby to the bathroom to change her pamper because I felt a big push on my lap, and when I open her pamper, a bullet fell out."

Immediately the church went up and all you can see was nothing but shouting and dancing as one of the evangelist held the baby up who was alive and moving and walked her out of the restroom and down the center isles. Now the whole church is now shouting and praising God for the first miracle of the year.

While the church was praising God, Pastor Johnson went to see the bullet and after the church settled down, he informed the congregation how hot the bullet was when they placed it in his hands, so he could imagine how the baby felt when it first come through the church ceiling and entered into her diaper.

Now the real question that was asked was, "How did a bullet enter the ceiling of the church and go all the way into the babies diaper, and didn't hurt or kill the baby?" That goes to show that "It Still Works Job 37:13-14."

Now standing today is the first miracle of Greater Faith Tabernacle, and the bullet hole that now graces the ceiling of the IS Center at 905 E. Shelby Drive, Memphis, TN, where Channel 5 was called to the church who interview the family and Pastor and Prophetess Johnson which was later air nation wide on national television of the miracle, along with sending a message out to those persons who shot there firearm in the air.

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